Destiny 2: Onslaught – A Time-Wasting Dilemma Among Players

Players of Destiny 2 are divided over the Onslaught game mode, with some feeling it's a massive time-waster.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players of Destiny 2 are buzzing about the Onslaught game mode and the recent changes that have left many feeling frustrated. Some are calling it a massive time-waster, while others see potential in the game mode. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussions to see what players are saying.


  • Players are struggling with the drop rates and perks in Onslaught, leading to frustration.
  • Some users are calling for the return of target farming to improve the game mode.
  • Others enjoy Onslaught but want to see improvements like increased drop rates and new maps.

Players Feel Frustrated

Many players have expressed frustration with the current state of Onslaught, citing difficulties in obtaining desired drops and perks. The removal of target farming has added to the challenges, making it a less enjoyable experience for some.

Desire for Target Farming

Several players are calling for the return of target farming, suggesting that it would enhance the gameplay experience and make it more rewarding. The ability to focus on specific items or activities is something that many players miss and desire to see reintroduced.

Potential for Improvement

Despite the criticisms, some players see potential in Onslaught and have shared ideas for enhancing the game mode. Suggestions include increasing drop rates, adding new maps, introducing challenging enemies, and implementing an endless mode to keep the experience fresh and engaging.

Players of Destiny 2 are passionate about their gaming experiences, and discussions on the subreddit reflect the varying opinions and emotions surrounding the Onslaught game mode. While some express frustration over the current state of the game mode, others see opportunities for improvement and are hopeful for changes that could make Onslaught a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. The community’s feedback and suggestions highlight the importance of player engagement and the ongoing evolution of Destiny 2’s gameplay elements.