Destiny 2 Overtuned Void Damage: Is Bungie’s Balance Off?

Guardians on Reddit are fed up with getting nuked by void damage in Destiny 2. Is Bungie's balance off?

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are facing a barrage of overtuned void damage that’s leaving them frustrated and overwhelmed. From Hydra’s aeon maul to ogre eye blasts, the void onslaught seems unrelenting, even with high resilience and gear. The community is speaking out on the issue.


  • Guardians feel overwhelmed by the excessive void damage in Destiny 2, despite their efforts to counter it.
  • Players are frustrated with the disproportionate impact of void attacks compared to other damage types.
  • The community is voicing concerns about the lack of balance in enemy attacks and player defenses.

Guardian Frustrations

Players like Slinky_Malingki are expressing their frustrations with the constant barrage of void damage in Destiny 2, highlighting how even with solid gear and preparation, they feel overpowered by enemy attacks.

Community Concerns

Comments from users like PuddlesRH and arf1049 underscore the community-wide sentiment that void damage is overtuned compared to other damage types, leading to difficult gameplay experiences in challenging activities.

Farewell to Fairness

With remarks from Dimplexor and jroland94 pointing out the unbalanced nature of enemy attacks like solar shots and arc blasts, it’s clear that many Guardians feel Destiny 2’s gameplay lacks fairness and consistency.

The Destiny 2 community’s outcry against overwhelming void damage signals a broader issue with game balance and player experience. Bungie may need to reevaluate their approach to enemy attacks to ensure a more enjoyable and fair gameplay experience for all Guardians.