Destiny 2 Pathfinder System: Player Frustrations and Suggestions

Discover why players in Destiny 2 are feeling frustrated with the Pathfinder system and the impact on gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are feeling the heat as the Pathfinder system causes more frustration than fun. The system, intended to incentivize players, is doing the opposite, leading to discontent within the community.


  • Players feel the Pathfinder system is steering them away from enjoyable gameplay.
  • The solo-focused objectives create a disconnect among fireteams.
  • Suggestions range from revamping objectives to adding separate paths for different activities.

Player Frustrations

The community is vocal about the Pathfinder system’s shortcomings, with many expressing their dissatisfaction. One player, Saint_Victorious, noted how the Pale Heart system encourages creativity while the playlist system does the opposite.

Riablo01 highlighted the tedious nature of the ritual Pathfinder, emphasizing that challenge should not equate to tedium. The lack of fireteam-based objectives, as pointed out by TheAirsucker, results in selfish gameplay that detracts from the overall experience.

Community Suggestions

Players like Primum-Caelus suggest a rework by introducing separate tracks for various activities, ensuring a more tailored experience. Others, such as Buttermalk, propose queuing specific strikes in the playlist to gather gameplay data for future adjustments.

From balancing issues to design flaws, players like urgasmic are calling for tweaks in the system’s implementation. While some, like Pengjuanlol, are frustrated with specific objectives like solar ignition, others like Angerman5000 express discontent over PvP and Gambit requirements.

Community Impact

The repercussions of the Pathfinder system’s design choices are evident in player behavior. Some, like Gravon, have altered their gameplay patterns to avoid the system’s restrictions. The sentiment among players is clear: the Pathfinder system needs refining to enhance the Destiny 2 experience.