Destiny 2: Players Call for More Old Earth Weapons in the Game

Guardians on Reddit are sharing their love for old Earth weapons in Destiny 2 and calling for more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to express their adoration for old Earth weapons in the game, sparking a discussion on the lack of such weaponry in the current arsenal. Users reminisce about the unique feel and aesthetics of classic firearms and yearn for more options that provide a similar experience.


  • Guardians express a fondness for weapons like the Legendary Kvostov for its tactile and low-tech feel.
  • Players highlight Dead Man’s Tale as the only gun in Destiny 2 with true iron sights, calling for more diversity in weapon design.
  • The desire for older-looking firearms aligns with a sense of nostalgia and a preference for modern gun aesthetics.

Guardians’ Love for Classic Firearms

Users like zdude0127 appreciate weapons with the Field Tested Origin Trait for their older designs that resonate with a civilian aesthetic. Hakkë and Gambit weapons are also mentioned for their nostalgic appeal.

Nostalgia and Aesthetics

6FootFruitRollup shares a sentiment for guns resembling modern firearms, showcasing a preference for a more realistic design approach in Destiny 2’s arsenal. The desire for weapons that mirror real-world counterparts is a recurrent theme among players.

Calls for Diverse Weaponry

Trips-Over-Tail raises the notion of incorporating old Prison of Elders weapons, emphasizing the need for variety in the game’s armory. Players advocate for the inclusion of more diverse firearms to cater to different preferences and playstyles.