Destiny 2: Players Debate Raid and Dungeon Rotations on Reddit

Should Destiny 2 have two raid and dungeon rotations per week? Reddit users weigh in on the pros and cons of the current system.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a Reddit post discussing the frequency of raid and dungeon rotations in Destiny 2, user nathanc213 proposed the idea of having two rotations per week, grouped by release.


  • Players are divided on whether the current rotation system is adequate.
  • Some suggest making all dungeons farmable to address the issue of limited content.
  • Others propose a system with double drops or perks for featured raids.
  • There are concerns about the rotation system causing player base fragmentation.

Players Call for More Content Variety

User rowgath suggests a bi-weekly rotation to provide more options but acknowledges potential downsides.

Farming Dungeons for Endless Content

Player AlphaSSB argues for making all dungeons farmable due to the unique loot system.

Concerns Over Rotated Content

User sturgboski criticizes rotations that include less desirable content like Shattered Throne and Pit of Heresy.

Looking Beyond Rotations

Some users like DarkLordSTRM propose long-term solutions beyond increasing rotations to address the growing content roster.

Despite differing opinions on the rotation system, it’s clear that Destiny 2 players are passionate about the game’s endgame content and are eager for more ways to engage with dungeons and raids.