Destiny 2 Players Debate Transcendence in Subreddit Thread

Is it time for Destiny 2 players to transcend and gain full super energy? Reddit users weigh in on this controversial topic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are questioning why they don’t get full Transcendence energy. Let’s dive into the debate.


  • Players debate whether receiving full Transcendence energy would enhance gameplay or make it too easy.
  • Suggestions range from charging Transcendence energy during rally to receiving it from orbs of power.
  • Opinions are divided on whether current mechanics keep gameplay engaging or create unnecessary challenges to acquiring Transcendence.


If still hunt charges its super bar, why not Transcendence? Players question the inconsistency in gain mechanics.


Gaming frustrations arise as players wonder why they don’t gain full Transcendence energy during rallies.


Players express confusion over the current mechanics, finding it an odd choice in gameplay design.


One player suggests gaining Transcendence from orbs of power, citing thematic reasons to support the change.

Destiny 2 players are in a heated debate over the mechanics of acquiring Transcendence energy. Some argue for a smoother gameplay experience, while others appreciate the challenge the current system provides. As these discussions unfold, it’s clear that the Destiny 2 community has strong feelings about the game’s mechanics and the potential changes that could enhance their gaming experience.