Destiny 2: Players Demand a “DE-blink” Button for Annoying Notifications

Players in Destiny 2 are frustrated with constant blinking notifications and demand a way to turn them off.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are fed up with the relentless blinking notifications plaguing their game. From Drifter to Ikora Rey, the incessant blinking for irrelevant tasks has reached a tipping point. Users are clamoring for a solution to this blinking madness. One Reddit user, SoylentBit, took to the DestinyTheGame subreddit to voice this frustration, sparking a wave of support from others who share the sentiment.


  • Players are irritated by unnecessary blinking notifications that clutter the game interface.
  • The demand for a toggle option or a “de-blink everything” button is resonating among the Destiny 2 community.
  • Suggestions include a settings change to stop vendor blinking or the complete removal of blinking alerts.

SadSongsTN: Agrees with the Frustration

SadSongsTN empathizes with SoylentBit, highlighting the annoyance caused by minor yet persistent issues in Destiny 2. The frustration stems from the seemingly trivial nature of the problem, which nevertheless impacts the overall gaming experience.

Slothfee: Drifter’s Mysterious Blink

Slothfee humorously wonders about the purpose behind Drifter’s continuous blinking, connecting it to their own in-game actions. This lighthearted take on the issue showcases how players are trying to make sense of the game’s quirks.

TheDemonChief: Engram Woes

TheDemonChief expresses disdain for the constant blinking related to engrams, emphasizing the need for a streamlined gameplay experience free from unnecessary distractions. This sentiment resonates with many players who seek a more polished interface.

Express_Raise6198: Calls for Silence

Express_Raise6198 adopts a more blunt approach, demanding that the annoying characters like Drifter and Ikora Rey cease their perpetual blinking. This direct plea reflects the growing frustration among players who want a cleaner in-game interface.