Destiny 2: Players Demand Shortcut for Ritual Pathfinder

Destiny 2 players rally for a shortcut to access the Ritual Pathfinder more conveniently. Find out what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to the subreddit to voice their opinions about the accessibility of the Ritual Pathfinder feature. The discussion centers around the current cumbersome process of accessing the Pathfinder and the community’s suggestions for improvement.


  • Players advocate for a dedicated shortcut on the destinations screen for Ritual Pathfinder.
  • Suggestions range from keybinds to streamlined menu options for quicker access.
  • Accessibility issues for neurodiverse players highlight the importance of intuitive design.

Accessibility Concerns

One user suggested, “A suggestion I have for Bungie is for you to be able to pull out your ghost and then press the pathfinder keybind. That would be super convenient.” This sentiment is echoed by others who emphasize the need for a seamless experience.

Neurodiversity and Design

Another user shared, “The location of the Pathfinder screens is especially terrible for certain neurodiverse people. I have god awful ADHD … The amount of Nightfalls and Ops I ran before I remembered made me cry.” This perspective sheds light on the impact of design choices on different player experiences.

Streamlined Menu

To enhance user experience, a player suggested, “Or just make the menu animations like 5x faster.” This simple adjustment could significantly reduce the time spent navigating menus and enhance overall gameplay enjoyment.

Overall, the community’s feedback reflects a collective desire for increased efficiency and accessibility within Destiny 2. By addressing these concerns, developers can ensure a more seamless gaming experience for all players.