Destiny 2: Players Frustrated with Vanguard Playlist Objectives

The Destiny 2 community is buzzing about frustrating objectives in the Vanguard Playlist. What's causing all the angst?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to the subreddit to express their frustration with the recent objective in the Vanguard Playlist, specifically the ‘Kill 150 Cabal’ task. The community seems divided on whether these objectives add to the gameplay experience or detract from it.


  • Players find the current objective in the Vanguard Playlist to be more of a chore than a fun challenge.
  • Suggestions have been made to tweak the objective to make it more enjoyable and engaging for players.
  • There is a call for more dynamic and player-friendly objectives in the game to avoid frustration and incentivize gameplay.

Frustration in the Community

The consensus among players is that the ‘Kill 150 Cabal’ objective in the Vanguard Playlist feels like a grind rather than an enjoyable activity. Users like user wolfwings feel that this objective turns gameplay into a tedious chore, taking away from the natural progression of the game.

Player Suggestions

Several players, including mediSino7, have proposed changes to the objective, such as making it more inclusive by allowing any enemy kills in the Vanguard Playlist to contribute to progress. This way, players can engage in any activity without feeling forced to focus on a specific enemy type.

Lack of Engagement

Users like BearBryant are questioning the repetitive nature of these objectives and how they lead to players backing out of activities. The lack of variety in objectives could be pushing players away from certain playlists, impacting the game’s overall engagement.

Players are feeling discouraged by the current objectives in the Vanguard Playlist, leading to frustration and a desire for more engaging gameplay experiences. It’s clear that the community is looking for changes to make objectives more dynamic and player-friendly to enhance the overall gaming experience.