Destiny 2: Players’ Reactions to the Green Adept Weapon Changes

Destiny 2 players are questioning the abundance of green adept weapons this season. What's the deal with the sudden color shift?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to express their confusion and disappointment over the recent influx of green adept weapons in the game. Specifically, users are questioning the decision to make all adept weapons green this season, a departure from the original designs that many players enjoyed.


  • Players are divided on the new green adept weapons, with some appreciating the fresh look while others find it unnecessary.
  • The consensus seems to be that the green color scheme may not suit all weapons equally, leading to mixed reactions.
  • Some players are hopeful for the release of shaders that mimic the older designs, allowing for customization and personalization.

Players’ Reactions

One user, yotika, sarcastically referred to the color scheme of a specific weapon as resembling that of a garbage truck, indicating a lack of enthusiasm for the new design.

SignalMarvel pointed out that Bungie often changes adept weapon colors to differentiate between versions, suggesting a practical reason for the change.

Water_sports_666 expressed disappointment in the recent adept designs, particularly comparing the base and adept versions of certain weapons.

Community Insights

HerrenPlays highlighted the evolving nature of adept designs, indicating that changes occur frequently across seasons and episodes.

epsilon025 shared relief that the Trials Adept shader is no longer the base look, implying a preference for the current color scheme.

thorks23 recommended players experiment with shaders to find a look they prefer, either resembling the old design or discovering something new.

Final Thoughts

While the green adept weapons have sparked mixed reactions among Destiny 2 players, it seems that customization options through shaders offer a potential solution for those seeking a different aesthetic. The community’s diverse opinions reflect the subjective nature of design changes in games, where personal preferences play a significant role in shaping player experiences.