Destiny 2 Players Share Hilarious Requests for In-Game Features and Items

Destiny 2 players have some wild ideas for improvements in the game! Check out their hilarious suggestions and mock-ups now.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players never fail to entertain with their creative suggestions. From wild mock-ups to witty comments, the community is buzzing with ideas for in-game improvements and features. Recently, a Reddit post caught the attention of many players, showcasing a mock-up that had everyone talking.


  • Players share amusing mock-ups and ideas for in-game features.
  • Suggestions range from crafting own items to equipping two exotics.
  • Community emphasizes the need for more build diversity and better vault management.

Players’ Outlandish Suggestions

The player community is brimming with outlandish requests and suggestions, with each post offering a unique perspective on how to enhance the Destiny 2 experience. One user proposed crafting your own item by collecting specific plans, allowing for greater customization and build diversity.

Comical Reactions to Lack of Features

Some users took a humorous approach, joking about Bungie’s dedication to keeping player engagement numbers high at the expense of quality-of-life features. One player suggested being able to equip two exotics with reduced effects, opening up new gameplay possibilities while maintaining balance.

Vault Woes and Inventory Management

The issue of vault space and inventory management also surfaced in the discussions, with players expressing frustration over the clutter caused by multiple versions of the same exotic items. Many players echoed the sentiment that the game could benefit from an expanded perk system to accommodate the growing arsenal of weapons and armor.

Players continue to engage in lively discussions, sharing their visions for a more dynamic and player-friendly Destiny 2 universe. While some ideas may remain wishful thinking, the community spirit and creativity shine through in these imaginative posts.