Destiny 2 – Players Vent About Frustrations with PvP Challenges

Destiny 2 players express their frustrations with PvP challenges in a humorous and relatable manner.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players took to Reddit to share their hilarious yet relatable frustrations with PvP challenges and requirements.


  • Players dislike having to fulfill specific kill requirements in PvP challenges.
  • The additional objectives hinder the enjoyment of playing in the crucible.
  • Some players find PvP unplayable due to technical issues like lag and hardware limitations.
  • Despite the frustrations, many players still enjoy the crucible experience.

Ignition Kills: A Spark of Annoyance

Destiny 2 players are venting about the frustrations caused by certain kill requirements in PvP challenges, such as ignition kills. These restrictive objectives force players to deviate from their usual playstyle and focus on specific, often inconvenient methods of scoring kills, leading to a less enjoyable crucible experience. The humor in the posts reflects the players’ shared exasperation.

The Lag Dilemma

Technical issues also play a significant role in players’ negative sentiments towards PvP in Destiny 2. Lag, hardware limitations, and performance issues make the crucible unplayable for some, negatively impacting their ability to engage effectively in PvP encounters. This struggle adds another layer of frustration to an already challenging gameplay experience.

A Love-Hate Relationship

Despite the complaints and obstacles, it’s clear that many players still find joy in the crucible gameplay of Destiny 2. The mix of competitiveness, camaraderie, and thrill keeps them coming back for more, even if they have to endure the occasional frustration and technical limitations.