Destiny 2: Players Want Nightfall Cipher Cap Increased

Destiny 2 players are frustrated with the current Nightfall cipher cap and are voicing their concerns on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing about the Nightfall cipher cap issue and expressing their frustrations on Reddit.


  • Players feel restricted by the current cap of 10 ciphers per run.
  • Some argue for a higher cap to allow for more flexibility in spending.
  • Others believe that caps on in-game resources are unnecessary and disrespectful to players’ time.

Players’ Frustrations

BrandNewSRT1629 pointed out the imbalance, suggesting a cap of 12 would make more sense for better progression.

Skiffy10 defended the cap, stating that it encourages spending and avoids hoarding.

Community Feedback

DepletedMitochondria highlighted similar issues with Xur and Trials ciphers, indicating a trend in resource management.

yankeephil86 sought clarification on how Nightfall rewards ciphers, showing confusion within the player base.