Destiny 2: Raid Boss Health Revealed to Be Much Higher in Latest Update

Discover why Destiny 2 players are in uproar about the recent changes to raid boss health numbers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are in for a surprise as recent revelations show that raid boss health numbers have been substantially increased. The community is abuzz with discussions on the impact of these changes.


  • Players express frustration over the significant increase in raid boss health
  • Debates spark on whether the change adds to the challenge or hampers the gaming experience
  • Some players believe one-phasing bosses diminishes the mechanics of the fight

Community Reactions

Many players are questioning the necessity of the health increase, especially in the case of Crota. One user, DepletedMitochondria, wonders if Crota truly needed this change given his status as a relatively older raid boss. The sentiment seems to center around the arbitrary nature of the adjustment.

Insights from the Reddit Thread

Another user, LoneLyon, argues in favor of the change, suggesting that raid bosses should be near impossible to one phase to maintain the integrity of the encounter. They express concern that breezing through raid bosses can compromise the mechanics and overall experience for players.

Player Perspectives

PsychWard_8 questions the uproar, pointing out that if players were already achieving one-phase victories, the additional challenge should not be a significant drawback. They reference their group’s experience in taking down Atheon in two phases with minimal impact on their gameplay enjoyment. The user implies that the difficulty adjustment may not be as drastic as some believe.