Destiny 2 Reddit: Amanda’s Eventful Journey

Amanda has seen some astonishing things in Destiny 2. Curious to know what happened?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have been abuzz discussing Amanda’s recent escapade into the unknown depths of the game.


  • Players speculate on Amanda’s shocking discoveries.
  • A mix of humor and concern colors the community’s reactions.
  • Comments hint at potential lore implications.

Amanda’s Revelations

Amanda’s encounter with the enigmatic has sparked varied reactions in the Destiny 2 subreddit. Some players jest about her newfound wisdom, while others express genuine concern for her well-being.

Player Theories

Users are quick to jump to wild theories about Amanda’s discoveries, with speculations ranging from ominous prophecies to lighthearted mishaps.

Lore Debates

The discussion extends to the lore implications of Amanda’s journey, with players dissecting every detail for potential narrative clues.