Destiny 2 Reddit Rants: Is the GM Really in the Middle?

Guardians on Reddit debate if Destiny 2's GM truly starts in the middle of the action or not. What's the verdict?

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians on Reddit are up in arms about the state of Destiny 2’s Grandmaster Nightfall activity. A post by user BL34c questioning the placement in the GM has sparked a heated discussion among players.


  • Players are divided on whether the GM truly starts in the middle or not.
  • Some suggest relaunching after completing Excision to avoid issues.
  • Guardians are frustrated with ongoing bugs and delays in fixes.

Is it Really in the Middle?

Many players argue that the GM starts at the very beginning, contrary to the original post’s claim. User itzvast recommends relaunching the activity after completing Excision to mitigate any issues.

The Frustration with Bugs

Guardians, like maxedge and dutty_handz, point out the ongoing bugs and delays in fixing issues within Destiny 2. These problems often impact crucial gameplay moments, leading to frustration among the player base.

Community Reactions

Some users, such as Deathslingers_Bride and iamme9878, express their frustrations with game-breaking bugs that impact their experience during Trials. The community seems divided on Bungie’s prioritization of fixing issues that affect gameplay.

The Destiny 2 community is passionate about the game, but ongoing technical issues continue to hamper the overall experience. As players voice their concerns on Reddit, it’s clear that the sentiment towards the game’s current state is mixed. Hopefully, Bungie will address these issues promptly to ensure a smoother gaming experience for all Guardians.