Destiny 2 Reddit Titan Math Challenge: Can You Solve It?

Check out this hilarious Destiny 2 math challenge post and responses from Reddit users.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players on Reddit were recently challenged with a supposedly easy math question, and the results were nothing short of hilarious.


  • Players tackle a seemingly simple math question with hilarious results.
  • Some responses showcase clever jokes and puns related to Destiny 2.
  • Others express indifference or use the opportunity for creative storytelling.

Exploring the Mysterious Math Question

A Reddit post by user deathofmemes challenged Destiny 2 Titans with what was supposed to be an easy math question, but the responses took a wild turn with players showcasing their wit and humor.

The Titans’ Reactions

One player joked, “Easy. The rest 😊,” showcasing a playful attitude towards the question without providing a straightforward answer.

Hilarious Interpretations

Another user related the question to a funny moment from The Office, showing how the Destiny 2 community finds humor in unexpected places.

A Taste of Destiny 2

Some players used the opportunity to create whimsical stories, like one who got hungry while counting the colors of the crayons in the question.

The Titan’s Verdict

Whether earnestly attempting the math question or using it as a platform for jokes, the Destiny 2 community on Reddit showed once again their creativity and camaraderie in tackling challenges, even if it involves crayons.