Destiny 2: Reddit’s Thoughts on Strange Coins Cap and Economy

Discover why Destiny 2 players are frustrated over the strange coins cap in this Reddit post breakdown.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing over the strange coins cap, questioning Bungie’s decisions and seeking alternative ways to utilize the currency.


  • Players feel the cap is a deliberate tactic by Bungie to encourage continuous grinding.
  • Some speculate the cap may be raised in the future to allow for more flexibility.
  • The enforced cap prevents hoarding and ensures a balanced game economy.

Players’ Grievances

Many users express frustration at the capped limit of strange coins, feeling it restricts their gameplay experience and hampers their ability to accumulate wealth effortlessly. Bungie’s intention to prevent stockpiling and drive ongoing engagement faces skepticism from the community, with players lamenting the limitations imposed on their in-game economy

Community Speculation

Several users speculate that the cap on strange coins serves as a strategic move by Bungie to maintain a sense of scarcity and value within the game’s economy. By curbing the availability of resources, the developer effectively controls the flow of in-game wealth, shaping player interactions and progression

Maintaining Player Engagement

Players believe that the cap on strange coins serves as a mechanism to retain user interest and encourage continued participation in Destiny 2. By limiting the accumulation of currency, Bungie motivates players to stay active and invest time into the game to replenish their resources

Ultimately, the capped limit on strange coins in Destiny 2 provokes mixed sentiments among players, with some viewing it as a necessary design choice for a balanced economy, while others perceive it as a hindrance to their gameplay progression. As discussions surrounding in-game currencies continue to evolve, the relationship between player engagement and resource management remains a central theme in the Destiny 2 community