Destiny 2: Remembering Lance Reddick – A Guardian Angel

Guardians pay tribute to Lance Reddick in a heartwarming memorial post in Destiny 2 subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, Guardians pay homage to the iconic Lance Reddick, forming a touching connection beyond the game.


  • Guardians honor Lance Reddick with heartfelt tributes.
  • Community pays respect to fallen comrades in a virtual ceremony.
  • Lance Reddick’s impact extends beyond the realms of the game.

Guardian Tributes

GoldenNat20 reminds fellow Guardians to let the Witness know who sent them on this sentimental journey, echoing the unity within the community.

Emotional Bonds

MightyN0ob expresses deep sadness over the absence of Lance Reddick, highlighting the emotional attachment players develop towards game characters.

Unity in Diversity

Stankindveacultist encapsulates the sentiment with a simple yet powerful ‘FOR LANCE’ message, showing the solidarity and reverence within the Destiny 2 community.


Through these tributes, the Destiny 2 community shows that the bonds formed in-game go beyond pixels and servers, creating a truly emotional experience that unites players in a shared love for the game and its characters.