Destiny 2: Scintillation (Adept) – A Debate on Bait and Switch vs. Firing Line Perks

Join the debate on Reddit about which perk is preferred with Rewind Rounds in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, the debate rages on about the preferred perk between Bait and Switch and Firing Line when paired with Rewind Rounds.
Two stalwarts, each with their own loyal followers, vie for the title of the ultimate damage buff.


  • Firing Line stands the test of time but buffs only precision damage.
  • Bait and Switch offers a better buff for all shots, albeit with a bit more hassle to activate.
  • Users favor Bait and Switch for its overall efficiency and versatility over Firing Line.

Users Weigh In

Many users prefer the Bait and Switch perk due to its flexibility, providing a better overall damage boost and working well in solo activities. While Firing Line has its benefits, such as being active in most DPS cases, users lean towards the efficiency of Bait and Switch.

The Ideal Roll

According to some players, the ideal roll includes Rewind/Bait and Switch, creating a potent combination for maximum damage output. The ease of activating Bait and Switch and its powerful buff make it a popular choice among the player base.

Optimizing Damage

Players are constantly seeking to optimize their damage output, with some aiming for a Witness damage roll using Firing Line. However, the debate continues on whether min-maxing with Firing Line is truly necessary in most scenarios.

Ultimately, the Destiny 2 community is divided on the Bait and Switch vs. Firing Line debate, each side advocating for their preferred perk with Rewind Rounds. As players continue to experiment and fine-tune their loadouts, the quest for the ultimate damage boost remains a hot topic of discussion in the Destiny 2 subreddit.