Destiny 2 Shadow Price: Community Feedback on Perks and Sentiments

Destiny 2 players are voicing their opinions on the Shadow Price and its perks in the subreddit. Are the perks a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to the subreddit to discuss their thoughts on the Shadow Price’s perks and potential improvements. User Wynah started a thread urging Bungie to enhance the perks of the weapon for a better gameplay experience. The community quickly joined in, sharing their love for the weapon but also expressing disappointment in its current state.


  • Community wants better perks for Shadow Price.
  • Players find the lack of useful perks disappointing.
  • Comparisons to other weapons highlight Shadow Price’s shortcomings.
  • Despite shortcomings, players hold a nostalgic attachment to the weapon.
  • Critical Feedback

    Critical comments shed light on the dissatisfaction with Shadow Price’s perks, with users calling for significant improvements to make the weapon more competitive and enjoyable. User ScrubCasual pointed out the lack of impactful third-column perks, while Solruptor compared it unfavorably to the Prosecutor. The sentiment of missed potential and unmet expectations resonated across multiple comments.

    Nostalgic Value

    Despite the criticisms, many players expressed a deep-rooted attachment to the Shadow Price due to its iconic status in Destiny. User TY-KLR emphasized the desire for the weapon’s classic scopes, showcasing a yearning for the weapon’s past glory. The sentimental value attached to the Shadow Price contrasts with the disappointment over its current performance.

    Community Engagement

    Community engagement was evident through various suggestions and discussions regarding potential perks for the Shadow Price. User CTgreen_ highlighted the appeal of Attrition Orbs and the excitement over seeking specific rolls to enhance gameplay. The diverse viewpoints within the community underscored the collective interest in shaping the weapon’s future.