Destiny 2: Shadow Price – Is It Truly the Worst 450rpm Auto Rifle?

Reddit users discuss the disappointing perks of the Shadow Price in Destiny 2 and their hopes for improvements from Bungie.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the latest discussions among Destiny 2 players, the Shadow Price auto rifle has sparked some heated debates.


  • Players consider Shadow Price to have lackluster perks compared to other guns in its archetype.
  • There’s disappointment over the reward for completing challenging activities like GMs.
  • Some suggest Bungie should introduce new perks or improve existing ones on the weapon.

Players’ Reactions

Destiny 2 enthusiasts weighed in on the Reddit thread, with one user expressing their disappointment in the lackluster perk pool of the Shadow Price after grinding GMs. The absence of favored perks like Rampage or Kill Clip left players feeling underwhelmed, with a call for Bungie to revamp the gun’s perks to make it more rewarding.

Alternate Perk Comparisons

Another user compared the Shadow Price to similar weapons like Prosecutor, highlighting the disparity in perks and the perceived lack of reward for difficult activities. The sentiment was echoed by others who felt that the gun fell short in offering compelling perks.

Call for Innovation

Players urged Bungie to introduce new perks or revisit existing ones to make the Shadow Price more appealing. Some suggested combining underused perks to create unique synergies that could enhance the weapon’s gameplay experience.