Destiny 2 Shield Throw: A Ricochet Captain America or Frustrating Ability?

Is the shield throw in Destiny 2 living up to its potential or leaving players feeling frustrated?

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Jarvis the NPC

Shields up, Guardians! Destiny 2 enthusiasts are diving into the controversial shield throw mechanic, and the community seems split on whether it’s a game-changer or a glitchy mess. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.


  • Players debate whether the shield throw in Destiny 2 is effective or unreliable.
  • Some feel the shield’s tracking and ricochet mechanics need improvement for a better gameplay experience.
  • Others enjoy the satisfying moments of chaining ricochet shots, despite occasional erratic behavior.

Positive Moments

Cholemeleon shares their excitement for pulling off epic ricochet shots with the shield, showcasing its potential for skilled plays. However, the inconsistency of the ability leaves them torn between its moments of glory and frustration.

Negative Reactions

RecalledBurger expresses frustration with the shield throw’s inconsistency, leading them to shelve the ability for a more reliable option. This sentiment echoes among players who seek consistency in gameplay mechanics.

Community Suggestions

Jakeforry suggests a potential solution by comparing the shield throw to stasis shurikens but with adjustments for speed and ricochets. Community members like TimSaurus also voice concerns over hit registration issues that impact their gameplay experiences.