Destiny 2: Should We Get a True Automatic Shotgun with Drum Mag?

Exploring the demand for an automatic shotgun with a drum magazine in Destiny 2 and players' divided opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 enthusiasts are pondering the absence of a genuine automatic shotgun with a drum mag in the game. A Reddit user questions why such a weapon hasn’t been introduced, sparking a lively discussion among the community.


  • Players desire a unique automatic shotgun that could add diversity to the weapon arsenal.
  • Concerns arise around potential balancing issues if such a weapon were to be implemented in the game.
  • Suggestions for exotic variations with distinct abilities are proposed by the community.

Player Speculations

Some players argue that introducing a true automatic shotgun might disrupt the current shotgun meta, leading to potential balance issues.

Exotic Variants Suggestions

Players propose exotic heavy ammo drum shotguns with unique elemental properties to make them stand out in gameplay.

Comparisons to Existing Weapons

Comparisons are drawn with existing shotguns like Lord of Wolves and 4th Horseman, highlighting the differences in available shotgun options in Destiny 2.