Destiny 2 Showcase Wishlist: What Players Want to See from Bungie

Guardians on Reddit share their wishlist for the next Destiny 2 showcase, hoping for raids reprisals, new subclasses, and more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians on the Destiny 2 subreddit are buzzing with excitement, discussing their hopes and dreams for the next Bungie showcase. If we have a showcase in August, as has happened in years past, what would you like to see the devs confirm?


  • Players are eager for the return of raids and dungeons in future episodes.
  • Many are hoping for the introduction of a third darkness subclass.
  • There’s a strong desire for more information on Frontiers and future episodes.

Eager for Raids

One Guardian expressed their excitement, “For me, a confirmation of a raid being reprized in the next episode would be incredible.” It seems players are hungry for more challenging content.

Darkness Unleashed

Another player chimed in, “Not actually expecting it but man would I love a third darkness subclass.” The allure of new abilities and playstyles is enticing.

Frontiers of Destiny

Players are curious about the future of Destiny, with one Guardian mentioning, “Just an idea of what to expect in the future via Frontiers and the next episodes.” The mystery surrounding upcoming content has players intrigued.