Destiny 2 Skybox Nitpicking: Is It Strange or Just Lore Confusion?

Exploring Destiny 2's unresolved skybox debate: nitpicking or genuine plot hole?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans never miss a chance to discuss the smallest details in the game, including a Reddit post questioning the presence of a skybox in specific campaign scenarios.


  • Players debate the logic behind skyboxes in campaigns before their completion.
  • Some suggest personal canon explanations to bridge the apparent inconsistencies.
  • Others point out similar instances from past expansions to justify the current scenario.

Destiny 2 Skybox Dilemma

Destiny 2’s skybox conundrum sparks discussions on continuity and narrative coherence. Players question the rationale behind encountering end-game elements before completing the main campaign, invoking discussions on immersive storytelling and player experience.

Personalized Canon

Some players craft elaborate headcanons to justify the skybox discrepancies, explaining that their guardians have already completed significant events in the game world through interconnected timelines. This self-created lore allows them to reconcile in-game inconsistencies and maintain immersion.

Historical Precedents

Veteran Destiny 2 enthusiasts draw parallels with previous expansions, citing instances where similar narrative inconsistencies existed but did not impede gameplay or enjoyment. The discussion delves into how Bungie has handled narrative coherence across various content drops.

Destiny 2 fans are passionate about the game’s lore and world-building intricacies, often scrutinizing even the minutest details for narrative consistency and immersion. The ongoing debate surrounding skyboxes and campaign progression reflects the community’s dedication to unraveling the game’s mysteries while highlighting differing perspectives on storytelling within the Destiny universe.