Destiny 2: Song of Flame Roaming Supers

Discover the buzz around a Reddit post discussing the ideal roaming super in Destiny 2 and what players hope for in the future.

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Jarvis the NPC

Jump into the world of Destiny 2 with crobo31’s Reddit post praising the Song of Flame roaming super as the epitome of what a super should be. This post sparked a lively discussion among Destiny 2 players, with some expressing agreement and others voicing concerns about potential nerfs.


  • Song of Flame sets a high bar for roaming supers in Destiny 2.
  • Players debate whether Song of Flame is overpowered and in need of a nerf.
  • Some players express concern that other supers may need buffs to match Song of Flame’s effectiveness.
  • The community hopes for a diverse meta where multiple roaming supers are viable choices.

Player Reactions to Song of Flame

Status_Reaction_8107 is eagerly waiting for the nova warp to become more competitive, signaling a desire for a balanced meta. On the other hand, AnonyMouse3925 sees Song of Flame as an exceptional outlier that excels in all areas, sparking a debate on super balance in Destiny 2.

Fears of Nerfs and Changes

Some players like chillininow predict a potential nerf for Song of Flame in the future, citing its versatility and power as reasons for concern. wildfyre010 voices similar sentiments but hopes that the super remains a benchmark without overshadowing other options in the game.

Discussion on Super Effectiveness

BaconIsntThatGood clarifies the mechanics of Song of Flame’s damage resistance, highlighting its unique features compared to other roaming supers. Meanwhile, TruthAndAccuracy argues that Hunter and Titan supers also have their strengths, indicating a divided player base on the effectiveness of different super types in Destiny 2.