Destiny 2: Speedrunning Excitement at Gamesdonequick

Get ready to witness wrath of the machine solo raid speedrun in just 25 minutes on Gamesdonequick!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement is brewing in the Destiny 2 community as speedrunners make history with a lightning-fast raid clear on Gamesdonequick. The solo run of Wrath of the Machine was completed in an impressive 25 minutes, leaving fans awestruck. The event has sparked discussions about the game’s speedrunning potential and raised anticipation for future showcase.


  • Fans are amazed by the speedrun of Wrath of the Machine in just 25 minutes.
  • Community members express excitement for the showcase on Gamesdonequick.
  • Discussion around Destiny 2 speedrunning potential and strategies emerges.

Excitement and Respect

Witnessing the speedrun has left many fans in awe of the skill and dedication showcased by the players. Comments like “Damn that’s a pretty fast run” and “Speed running is cool. I respect these gamers” highlight the admiration and respect for the speedrunning community.

Community Engagement

Members of the Destiny 2 community are actively engaging with the event, sharing links to the livestream and expressing eagerness to tune in. The expansion of Gamesdonequick into summer and charity initiatives is also praised, showing support for the positive impact on the gaming community.

Speedrunning Strategies

Discussions have emerged regarding the methods employed in Destiny 2 speedrunning, including out-of-bounds techniques and checkpoint triggers. Some users share insights on group dynamics during speedruns and the importance of coordination for successful runs.

Beyond Expectations

Despite initial skepticism about the time taken for the speedrun, the community is impressed by the swift completion of the raid. The event has sparked curiosity and excitement for future speedrunning showcases, showcasing the potential for further impressive feats in Destiny 2.