Destiny 2: Stasis Subclass Analysis and Community Feedback

Explore the latest changes to Destiny 2's Stasis subclass and discover what the community thinks about its current state.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 has been a hot topic recently, especially with the changes to the Stasis subclass. The community is buzzing with discussions on ways to improve the subclass and make it stand out. Let’s dive into the Reddit post that sparked these conversations.


  • The community praises the recent buffs to Stasis but suggests tweaks to make it more competitive with other subclasses.
  • Players want Frost Armor detached from Harvest Aspects and made more potent or accessible.
  • Suggestions include enhancing Stasis shards accessibility and improving ability energy generation.
  • There is a consensus on the need for Stasis to offer unique buffs and playstyles to differentiate it from other classes.

Community Feedback on Stasis

One user, Montregloe, highlighted the importance of introducing new choices and abilities to the Stasis subclass to enhance player experience. They suggested additional melee options and supers.

myxyn shared thoughts on intrinsic issues with Stasis, proposing changes to slow effects, shattering mechanics, and Frost Armor’s potency to make the subclass more impactful in team dynamics.

DremoPaff criticized the reliance on Harvest Aspects in Stasis and called for more diversity and effectiveness in these abilities, suggesting a revamp to ensure a balanced experience.

TheGr8Slayer focused on optimizing the Behemoth subclass by removing shard cooldowns, emphasizing the need for a seamless gameplay loop for Titans utilizing Stasis abilities.

Stasis Subclass Potential

Peekoh expressed optimism about Stasis’s potential while urging Bungie to diversify Harvest Aspects and introduce impactful Shard mechanics to enhance gameplay depth. They emphasized the need for unique abilities to create distinct playstyles for each class.

LameSillyHero highlighted the issues with Winter’s Wraith, suggesting improvements to its effectiveness in PvE scenarios to provide a more engaging gameplay experience for players.

MacTheSecond lamented the removal of health benefits from Whisper of Rime and discussed the impact of such changes on the subclass’s utility.

Overall, the Destiny 2 community remains hopeful for the future of Stasis, eager to see Bungie implement changes that elevate the subclass’s gameplay dynamics and differentiate it from other subclasses.