Destiny 2: Stockpiling Class Items – Community Ideas and Reactions

Discover what Destiny 2 players really want instead of stockpiling a ton of class items! The community has some innovative ideas.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with ideas about class items. Regularfeller’s mockup has sparked a debate on what players truly desire.


  • Players prefer innovative perks over stockpiling.
  • The idea of mod flexibility raises concerns about game balance.
  • The community appreciates the effort put into the mockup.
  • Some players are content with the current system.

Players’ Creativity Unleashed

Greyt125 suggests random rolls each play achieving legends. AggronStrong worries about Crucible match mod changes affecting gameplay. Willhelmlee appreciates the freedom of choice even with potential expensive perks. m4tr1x_usmc hilariously suggests applying the same concept to all weapons for a quick vault fix.

The Divide in Sentiments

_Banshii is happy with the current system, suggesting a knockout feature would be beneficial. Mindless_Issue9648 voices a resounding ‘yes please!!’ for the proposed idea. weirdoaish yearns for past grenade mechanics.

An Ongoing Debate

AeonDeus expresses a wish to upvote multiple times for the idea. cowsaysmoo51 advocates for new exotic perks rather than stat roll changes on class items. Jayslacks proposes expensive mod changes to balance the system.

The Destiny 2 community is a melting pot of ideas and opinions, each player advocating for what they believe will enhance their gaming experience.