Destiny 2: Surprising My Destiny-Obsessed Fiancé with a Touch of Destiny

A Destiny fan's fiancé seeks Reddit's help for a unique surprise in a Destiny-themed wedding. Can the community suggest the perfect in-game song?

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking to surprise her Destiny-devoted fiancé for their upcoming wedding, a Reddit user turns to the Destiny 2 community for advice on incorporating a special song from the game into their big day. The user narrates how Destiny has been a significant part of her partner’s life, spanning a decade of gameplay and even a tattoo commemorating the game.


  • The Destiny community comes together to assist a fellow Guardian in making their wedding extra special.
  • Multiple recommendations for the Deep Stone Lullaby indicate its emotional impact and suitability for the occasion.
  • Users appreciate the love and effort put into the surprise, with suggestions ranging from specific songs to potential celebrity appearances.
  • The collective response showcases the supportive and creative nature of the Destiny 2 community.

Deep Stone Lullaby: A Song of Emotion

In response to the user’s request for a memorable Destiny tune, multiple comments highlight the Deep Stone Lullaby as a powerful choice. One user expresses certainty that this song would evoke strong emotions during the wedding, potentially leading to tears of joy.

A Community of Support

Throughout the thread, users commend the poster for her thoughtful gesture and dedication to incorporating Destiny into the wedding. The overwhelming positivity and suggestions demonstrate the strong bond forged within the Destiny 2 community.

Celebrity Cameos and Personal Touches

Some users go beyond song recommendations, proposing the involvement of voice actors or celebrities associated with Destiny 2 to add an extra layer of magic to the surprise. These ideas showcase the community’s creativity and enthusiasm for making the event truly special.

As the thread unfolds, it’s evident that the Destiny 2 community values connection, emotion, and shared experiences, further solidifying the game’s impact beyond gameplay.