Destiny 2: Tangles vs. Warmind Cells – Which Reigns Supreme?

Discover the heated debate between Destiny 2 players over Tangles vs. Warmind Cells!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, the battle between Tangles and Warmind Cells is raging on. Noughtic recently addressed the community’s misconception that Tangles replaced Warmind Cells, shedding light on the unique capabilities of each.


  • Warmind Cells offer unparalleled versatility and power, unrivaled by Tangles.
  • Players miss the synergy Warmind Cells provided, especially with the Hierarchy of Needs.
  • Tangles, while potent, lack the same depth and utility as Warmind Cells.

Syntrak’s Satisfying Experience

Syntrak expressed the satisfaction of clearing a room using just one Warmind Cell and the Sunshot, highlighting the unique gameplay interactions offered by Warmind Cells.

CamBlapBlap’s Opinion

CamBlapBlap shared the sentiment that Warmind Cells were overpowered but acknowledged their distinct mechanics that may not be replicated by Tangles.

atlas_enderium on Balance

atlas_enderium discussed the balance perspective of Warmind Cells and how the game has evolved to accommodate new mechanics, reducing the necessity for Warmind Cells.