Destiny 2: The Ageless Dilemma of Ghostless Guardians

Discover the timeless debate surrounding the aging process of Ghostless Guardians in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, the question of whether Guardians age differently after losing their Ghost has sparked a lively debate among players. Let’s dive into this intriguing topic.


  • Guardians’ lifespans were tripled during the Golden Age, complicating the aging process.
  • Lightless Guardians like Eris and Zavala raise questions about immortality and aging.
  • Human aging is already slowed due to the Traveler’s influence, adding another layer of complexity.

Guardians and Aging: The Eternal Conundrum

In Destiny 2, the concept of aging for Guardians is as mysterious as the Darkness itself. With the loss of their Ghosts, Guardians like Osiris and Zavala face an uncertain future. Some speculate that without their Ghosts, Guardians may begin aging like regular mortals. This raises intriguing questions about the true nature of immortality in the Destiny universe.

Debunking the Myth of Eternal Youth

One Reddit user pointed out that human lifespans were tripled during the Golden Age, creating a complex scenario for aging Guardians. The case of Eris, who spent centuries without her Ghost, adds to the enigma. Whether her apparent youth is a result of Hive Magic or Ahamkara Bones remains a mystery in the Destiny lore.

The Traveler’s Influence on Age

Another Redditor highlighted the Traveler’s impact on human longevity, extending lifespans to hundreds of years. This additional layer of protection against aging complicates the question of how Guardians, especially Lightless ones, may age without their Ghosts. The case of Mara Sov, existing for millennia without visible signs of aging, further blurs the line between mortal and immortal in the Destiny universe.

As Guardians continue to face the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world in Destiny 2, the mystery of aging without Ghosts remains an unanswered question. Will they embrace the passage of time like mere mortals, or will their Light-infused essence keep them ageless for centuries to come?