Destiny 2: The Backwards Logic of Ammo Reserves

Discover the bizarre world of Destiny 2 ammo reserves and why more ammo in the mag can mean less overall ammo in this subreddit analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Destiny 2, a puzzling phenomenon has left players scratching their heads – why does having more ammo in the magazine result in reduced total reserves? One user, jamer2500, took to the Destiny subreddit to voice their frustrations after encountering this illogical ammo system.


  • The ammo system in Destiny 2 is causing confusion and frustration among players due to the counterintuitive mechanics of larger magazine sizes affecting total reserves.
  • This issue is particularly prevalent with fusion and linear fusion rifles, where increasing magazine size can result in a decrease in overall ammo capacity.
  • Players have expressed a desire for clarity and consistency in how magazine perks and ammo reserves interact to avoid confusion and dissatisfaction.

Expanding Magazine Woes

SpiderSlayer690 shed light on the issue, highlighting how various weapons like Briar’s Contempt and Eremite suffer from the larger mag = lower reserves conundrum.

The Spaghetti Code Conundrum

m05513 humorously referred to Destiny 2’s ammo system as ‘weird dark magic,’ emphasizing the perplexing nature of the game’s mechanics.

Long-Standing Mysteries

Narfwak chimed in, pointing out that the issue with linear fusion rifles has persisted for years, surprising many players with its ongoing presence.