Destiny 2: The Buzz around the Mysterious Sound

Discover why Destiny 2 players are buzzing about a mysterious sound in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you heard the buzz surrounding Destiny 2 recently? It seems like players are abuzz about a mysterious sound in the game.


  • Players are divided on their feelings towards the unique sound in Destiny 2.
  • Some find it amusing and enjoyable, adding a fun element to the game.

Positive Reactions

Some players find the sound entertaining and believe it adds a unique touch to their PvP experiences.

One user, tvandlove, mentioned, “I actually like the pinging. I think it’s funny and gives the gun a unique presence. Turns PvP into an 80s action movie.”

Negative Reactions

Others are not as thrilled with the sound, describing it as annoying and even comparing it to a bad joke.

One player, Big-Daddy-Kal, expressed frustration, saying, “It’s annoying af, a bad joke at best.”

Varied Experiences

While some players find the sound amusing and entertaining, others feel it detracts from their overall gameplay experience.

As player ThisIsPlanetBullshit reminisced, “Anyone remember the luck in the chamber sound from d1? Lol”

Each player’s unique perspective adds to the ongoing discussion surrounding this mysterious sound in Destiny 2.