Destiny 2: The Debate Over Stasis Crystals and Fragments

Discover why Destiny 2 players are divided on the role of fragments in destroying Stasis crystals.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are embroiled in a heated debate over the necessity of fragments in destroying Stasis crystals efficiently. The discussion has sparked varying opinions and suggestions on how to enhance the gameplay experience.


  • Players feel that Stasis crystals should not require fragments for faster destruction, as this limits build diversity.
  • There is a consensus that Stasis abilities, such as Cryoclasm and Shatterdive, could benefit from reworks.
  • Suggestions include intrinsic abilities for Titans and Hunters to improve the Stasis subclass.

The Divide

Opinions are split among Destiny 2 players regarding the need for fragments to destroy Stasis crystals efficiently. Some argue that fragments restrict build creativity and limit gameplay options. Others appreciate the strategic element fragments bring to combat, providing a unique challenge.

Improving Stasis

Many players feel that Stasis abilities, like Cryoclasm and Shatterdive, require adjustments to enhance the overall experience. Suggestions range from reworks to making these abilities intrinsic to specific classes, improving their utility and impact in battles.

Fragment Frustrations

The discussion extends to the role of fragments within the Stasis subclass, with players expressing dissatisfaction with the lack of synergy and interest in current fragment options. Some call for more diverse and engaging fragment choices that offer meaningful gameplay enhancements.

Community Feedback

Community suggestions include incorporating sliding mechanics for Titan abilities to destroy crystals intrinsically, promoting a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. Players also advocate for improvements to the utility of Stasis crystals, making them more versatile in combat scenarios.