Destiny 2: The Dreadnaught Debate – Should It Stay or Go?

Should Destiny 2 bring back the Dreadnaught as a patrol zone, or is it time to let it go? Guardians debate the pros and cons!

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians in the Destiny 2 subreddit are discussing the potential return of the Dreadnaught as a patrol zone. It’s a hot topic that has sparked some passionate arguments among the player community. On one side, some believe that bringing back this iconic location would breathe new life into the game, while others argue that it’s time to move on to fresh content. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what Guardians have to say!


  • Guardians are divided on whether the Dreadnaught should return as a patrol zone.
  • Some players feel that the removal of content like the Derelict Leviathan was a mistake.
  • Others believe that keeping old content dilutes the overall experience of the game.
  • The debate revolves around the value that returning content adds to the game.

Dreadnaught Nostalgia

Many players fondly remember the Derelict Leviathan as one of the best patrol zones in Destiny’s history. Its engaging public events, exploration opportunities, and rewarding activities left a lasting impression on the community. Some argue that bringing back the Dreadnaught in a similar fashion could reignite that same sense of wonder and excitement.

Content Erosion

On the other hand, some Guardians express concerns about the potential erosion of new content experiences if old locations like the Dreadnaught were to return as patrol zones. They worry that constantly revisiting familiar spaces may lead to a stagnant gameplay loop and diminish the impact of fresh updates and expansions.

The Value Proposition

For many players, the core issue boils down to the value that returning content brings to the game. While nostalgia is a powerful driver for some, others prioritize the need for new and innovative experiences that push the game forward. The debate centers around finding a balance between honoring the past and embracing the future of Destiny 2.

Guardians continue to share their thoughts and opinions on the fate of the Dreadnaught, highlighting the diverse perspectives within the player community. Whether you’re a fan of revisiting classic locations or eager for fresh content, the discussion surrounding the Dreadnaught’s potential return sparks lively debate and reflection on the ever-evolving world of Destiny 2.