Destiny 2: The Excitement and Controversy of Gambit Day

July 7th is Gambit Day in Destiny 2, but not everyone is on board with the idea. Find out why in our latest blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with excitement as news of an upcoming Gambit Day on July 7th spreads like wildfire through the community. The idea of dedicating a day to this popular game mode has sparked mixed reactions among players – some are thrilled at the prospect of a full day of Gambit action, while others are skeptical. Let’s dive into the Reddit post that started it all and see what players have to say.


  • Players are divided over the idea of a dedicated Gambit Day, with some expressing enthusiasm and others voicing concerns.
  • Some players joke about the need for credit card information to support Zavala and Ikora, adding a humorous twist to the discussion.
  • There is a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding the event, with some players planning to participate wholeheartedly and others unsure about the concept.

Excitement in the Community

Many players are eagerly anticipating Gambit Day, seeing it as a fun opportunity to engage with the game mode they love. Some users, like u/Nauskueucheeseha, express their enthusiasm by declaring their intention to play Gambit all day long.

Skepticism and Concerns

On the other hand, some players raise valid concerns about the timing of Gambit Day, with one user pointing out that it coincides with the Iron Banner event, potentially overshadowing the special day dedicated to Gambit.

One user, u/Sunkilleer, succinctly captures the sentiment of skepticism by stating, ‘that’s a big ask,’ indicating reservations about the feasibility or appeal of dedicating an entire day to Gambit.

A Mix of Reactions

Amidst the excitement and skepticism, there are those who approach Gambit Day with a sense of humor. For instance, u/Aetherial32 humorously remarks that every day feels like Gambit day if one listens to the Drifter, injecting levity into the discussion.

As players gear up for the event, the community remains divided on whether a dedicated Gambit Day will be a resounding success or a missed opportunity. Only time will tell how the event unfolds and whether it leaves players craving more Gambit action or yearning for a different kind of adventure.