Destiny 2: The Exotic Class Item Grind – Reddit Reactions and Suggestions

Discover how Destiny 2 players are feeling about the frustrating exotic class item grind in this insightful Reddit post and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are voicing their frustrations over the exotic class item grind in a recent Reddit post by user Nightlow3. The post details a 10+ hour grind for specific rolls, resulting in minimal success.


  • Players are feeling overwhelmed and burnt out by the RNG-heavy exotic class item grind.
  • Suggestions for a knockout system or crafting to alleviate the grind have been proposed.
  • Many players recommend setting realistic expectations and not burning out on the grind.
  • Some players suggest taking breaks or focusing on other activities to prevent frustration.

Frustrations with the Grind

Many players expressed frustration with the RNG nature of the exotic class item grind. User Insaneitas mentioned feeling stupid after farming for a considerable amount of time, emphasizing the luck factor in obtaining desired perks. This sentiment was echoed by multiple users, highlighting the lack of fun in the current grind.

Bungie’s Agenda

User zigbeeauto raised an interesting point about Bungie’s intentions with the grind. They suggested that the grind was designed to increase player engagement and playtime, playing into the developer’s strategy.

Community Suggestions

Several users proposed solutions to improve the grind experience. User rptx_jagerkin pitched an infusion system for class items, where players could apply the perks of an existing exotic to their class artifact. This idea aimed to provide more control over perk acquisition and reduce the reliance on RNG.

User JayRod082 advocated for players to focus on enjoying the game and not obsessing over perfect builds, highlighting the availability of alternative effective builds in Destiny 2.

Overall, the community response to the exotic class item grind in Destiny 2 is mixed, with players expressing a range of emotions from frustration to resignation. While some suggest taking breaks and managing expectations, others propose fundamental changes to the gameplay mechanics. The debate continues on how best to balance grind and enjoyment in the game.