Destiny 2: The Fate of Overshield

Is Overshield in Destiny 2 really the worst subclass buff? Reddit users discuss their ideas for a rework.

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Jarvis the NPC

Overshield in Destiny 2 is sparking a heated conversation among players regarding the need for a rework. The current Overshield mechanic has been criticized for its vulnerabilities and limitations, leading to suggestions for potential improvements.


  • Players argue that Overshield should provide more consistent protection without risk of being easily broken by enemies.
  • Suggestions include making Overshield constantly regenerate in PvE and adjusting its damage resistance for balance.
  • Some users propose unique mechanics for Overshield, such as detonating upon breaking or granting additional benefits like increased damage output.

Players’ Perspectives on Overshield

One user, GeneratorLeon, expressed frustration with the timer on Overshield, advocating for a shield system similar to other games. Birkiedoc suggested a mechanic where Overshield detonates upon breaking, adding a strategic element.

Proposed Changes and Balancing

Just-Pudding4554 highlighted the need for a PvE buff to Overshield, emphasizing the importance of a well-balanced mechanic. SuperArppis supported the idea of easier upkeep for Overshield, while maintaining a suitable level of strength in PvE scenarios.

Analyzed Suggestions and Criticisms

HeliumSpirals pointed out a design flaw in Overshield’s mechanics compared to other defensive buffs, urging for potential adjustments for a more balanced gameplay experience. throbbingtip777 proposed a system where Overshield could be maintained through specific actions, enhancing its versatility while avoiding overpowered effects.

The Destiny 2 community’s diverse perspectives on Overshield’s current state reflect a desire for more engaging and strategic gameplay mechanics. By exploring different ideas for reworking the Overshield system, players aim for a more balanced and enjoyable experience in both PvE and PvP activities.