Destiny 2: The Final Shape Exotics Discussion – Rahool Solutions

Discover how Destiny 2 players are navigating the legendary campaign to obtain exotics without replaying it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of running the legendary campaign in Destiny 2 multiple times just to get your hands on those coveted exotics? Well, it seems like many players are in the same boat, looking for alternative ways to acquire these powerful items. Let’s dive into the community discussion surrounding Rahool and his offerings.


  • Players seek Rahool’s help to bypass replaying the legendary campaign for exotics
  • Tier 3 Focusing and resetting Rahool offers a solution
  • Cipher and leveling up Rahool allow focusing any exotic

Solutions at Rahool

Players discuss unlocking Tier 3 Focusing at Rahool’s and utilizing Hazardous Propulsion on Titans to access exotics without replaying the campaign. This alternative method offers a quicker path to obtaining desirable gear and saves time for players who have already braved the legendary campaign multiple times.

Community’s Approach

Some players share their experiences of acquiring exotics directly from Rahool without completing the legendary campaign. By resetting Rahool or using ciphers, players have managed to access a variety of exotics and maximize their gear collection efficiently.

Optimizing Exotic Acquisitions

While some players suggest completing the campaign on legendary at least once for a specific exotic, others advocate for focusing on Rahool’s offerings to acquire all desired exotics. This varied approach highlights the flexibility and choices available to players in obtaining coveted gear.

Ultimately, the Destiny 2 community’s creative strategies and shared insights showcase a collective effort to streamline the exotic acquisition process and enhance the gameplay experience for all Guardians.