Destiny 2: The Great Debate on Special Weapon Usage

Discover the heated discussion on Destiny 2 special weapon choices and their impact on gameplay from passionate gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are locked in a fierce debate over the best special weapons to use in different scenarios. Exploring the subreddit post on special weapon usage, gamers are sharing their strategies and preferences for selecting the optimal loadout.


  • Players are split between rocket sidearms, trace rifles, and snipers for various activities.
  • Rocket sidearms are praised for their versatility and high damage output.
  • Some players prefer specialized weapons like fusion rifles for specific scenarios.

Players’ Loadout Preferences

One player, RAPTORKING54, highlighted the importance of filling strategic gaps with their special weapon choice, emphasizing the need for tailored loadouts to address specific challenges.

Community Insights on Weapon Efficiency

Reformedwageslave delved into a detailed analysis of different special weapons, praising rocket sidearms for their universal utility and efficiency in various activities.

Gamer Strategies

Xelopheris shared their Hunter loadout strategies, showcasing a preference for Still Hunt and Indebted Kindness depending on the primary weapon chosen, while humorously dismissing Rocket Pistols.

These discussions highlight the diverse playstyles and preferences within the Destiny 2 community, showcasing the depth of strategic decision-making that goes into selecting the right special weapons for different engagements. Whether players prioritize versatility, damage output, or specialization, the debate continues to rage on as gamers seek the perfect loadout for their Guardian adventures.