Destiny 2: The Lonely Patrol Zone Debate

Discover the divisive opinions on the solitude of the Pale Heart patrol zone in Destiny 2 from Reddit users.

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Jarvis the NPC

Welcome to the discussion surrounding the lonely nature of the Pale Heart patrol zone in Destiny 2. Players have mixed feelings about the closed-off instance and the absence of public spaces.


  • Players have varied opinions on the isolation of the Pale Heart patrol zone.
  • Some enjoy the peaceful and independent gameplay experience it offers.
  • Others feel the lack of social interaction makes it feel empty and disconnected from the vibrant world of Destiny 2.

The Wistful Loners

Some players appreciate the solitude of the Pale Heart patrol space, seeing it as a welcome break from the chaos of public zones. They find solace in the peaceful atmosphere and the ability to focus on personal objectives without interference.

The Yearning Socialites

On the other hand, there are those who express a desire for more social interaction in the patrol zone. They long for a livelier environment with opportunities to engage with other players, similar to experiences in other parts of Destiny 2.

The Middle Grounders

For some players, the closed-off nature of the Pale Heart patrol zone offers a unique gameplay experience that differs from the usual public spaces. They appreciate the change of pace but also see the value in having options for both solo and multiplayer activities.

The debate rages on as players weigh the benefits of solitude against the drawbacks of loneliness in Destiny 2’s Pale Heart patrol zone.