Destiny 2: The New Fireteam Power Level

Discover how Destiny 2's new Fireteam power level feature is changing the game for players, making it easier to jump into activities with friends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 has introduced a new fireteam power level feature that’s shaking up how players approach group activities. When a Reddit user shared their positive experience with this new system, the community chimed in with their thoughts and questions.


  • Fireteam power level is a game-changer, allowing players to join high-level activities with friends effortlessly.
  • The new system has been praised for enabling players to help lower-level friends catch up quickly.
  • Players appreciate the flexibility and inclusivity the fireteam power level brings to the game.

User Reactions

Many players expressed their delight at being able to tackle challenging content with friends who were previously underleveled. The ability to bring others up to speed quickly was a commonly appreciated aspect of the new system.

Gameplay Concerns

Some users raised questions about specific scenarios where the fireteam power level mechanism may not function as expected, highlighting potential inconsistencies in certain activities.

Personal Experiences

Players shared anecdotes of successfully completing high-level content with friends who were new to the game or had taken a break. The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie was a prevalent theme in their stories.