Destiny 2: The OCD Struggle with Endless Pinging

Discover why Destiny 2 players are feeling frustrated with constant pinging from NPCs.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are feeling the frustration of constant pinging from NPCs. The struggle is real as the game bombards players with notifications, causing annoyance and distraction.


  • Players express annoyance at NPCs constantly pinging them.
  • Some players find the notifications distracting and disruptive to gameplay.
  • The issue seems to be widespread among the Destiny 2 community.


Drifter and Ikora have been constantly pinging me, even though I have nothing related to them. It’s driving me crazy!


Ikora won’t stop pinging me about the New Light loadouts, even though I have thousands of hours in the game. It’s beyond annoying.


All those pinging vendors are indeed getting on my nerves. It’s like a never-ending notification barrage.