Destiny 2: The Pathfinder Predicament – Reddit Reactions

Discover the community uproar over Destiny 2's ritual pathfinder requirements in this Reddit review.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have recently taken to Reddit to voice their concerns over the game’s ritual pathfinder requirements. The frustration is palpable as users share their experiences and opinions on the matter, highlighting the divisive nature of this new gameplay element.


  • Players express dissatisfaction with the current iteration of the ritual pathfinder, citing accessibility issues and gameplay preferences.
  • Community members propose alternative approaches to the pathfinder objectives, suggesting a more balanced and varied task structure.
  • Some players fear being pushed into PvP activities, leading to frustration and a reluctance to engage with the pathfinder system.

Player Experiences

One user, bromabb, suggests a revised task structure that involves a mix of Crucible, Gambit, and PvE activities to cater to different playstyles. This proposal aims to streamline the pathfinder experience while maintaining diversity in gameplay objectives

On the other hand, elkishdude expresses reluctance to partake in playlists they already avoid, emphasizing the time constraints imposed by seasonal content

Positive Outlook

Despite the criticisms, some players like Interesting_Theory82 appreciate the flexibility provided by the pathfinder system, acknowledging the freedom to choose activities

However, concerns about the balance between PvP and PvE tasks persist, with users like ImReverse_Giraffe imploring for equal measures of all three activities to ensure fairness

Overall, the Destiny 2 community remains divided on the effectiveness and appeal of the ritual pathfinder, with conflicting opinions shaping the ongoing discourse