Destiny 2: The Post-Raid Timer Dilemma – Why Are Users Upset?

Join the heated discussion on Reddit about the extremely short post-raid timers in Destiny 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are irked by the dramatically reduced post-raid timers after defeating final bosses. The community questions why the timers are so short and express their frustrations.


  • Players lament the lack of time to perform essential post-raid tasks.
  • The short timers risk missing out on loot and quests.
  • The community speculates on the intent behind the timers and possible solutions.
  • Players’ Frustrations

    Destiny 2 players, like SushiJuice, have noticed the significantly shortened post-raid timers, causing inconvenience and disappointment.

    Community Suggestions

    Users like TheGrumpiestSquid highlight issues like timing conflicts between looting and mission starts, urging for adjustments to enhance player experience.

    Possible Explanations

    Some speculate, like Jaqulean, that the timers may have been set for specific events but inadvertently remained unchanged.

    Community Reaction

    Players express disappointment at the lack of post-raid hangout time, hoping for a restoration of relaxed exploration opportunities post-victory.