Destiny 2: The Transcendent Title Pin Controversy Explained

Users share mixed reactions to the naming discrepancy of the Transcendent title pin in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players on Reddit have noticed a discrepancy with the offer for the Transcendent title pin, which was originally called the Luminary title before the game’s launch.


  • Players are puzzled by the name change from Luminary to Transcendent for the title pin.
  • Some users are struggling with specific in-game missions to complete their titles.
  • There are mixed opinions on the best methods to earn certain achievements required for the title.

Contradicting Opinions on the Naming Issue

MasterWanky’s observation about the title pin’s original name sparks debates among players. While some find it nostalgic, others think it adds confusion to the game’s lore and achievements.

Challenges and Frustrations

Players like ToastedBeard express frustration over specific missions like Alone in the Dark, highlighting the game’s difficulty spikes that can hinder progression.

Community Suggestions and Complaints

Some users, like ThePlaceBetweenStars, seek tips on efficient ways to earn ghost experience, showcasing the collaborative nature of the Destiny 2 community. On the other hand, theculdshulder’s comments reflect discontent with Bungie’s oversight in promotional content, sparking demands for better quality control.

Deathguard80, on the other hand, envisions a more thematic title experience with prismatically colored pins, adding a creative twist to the discussion.