Destiny 2: Titan Builds – Are They Really Sucking Players In?

Are Titan builds in Destiny 2 really sucking players in? Let's dive into the controversial world of Titans in the popular game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players recently shared their thoughts on Titan builds on Reddit, sparking a heated debate among the community.


  • Titan builds in Destiny 2 are criticized for being repetitive and lacking variety.
  • Some players feel that Titans are not necessarily weak but rather boring due to the limited options.
  • There are mixed opinions on the effectiveness and creativity of Titan melee builds.

Are Titans Really Sucking?

When diving into the world of Destiny 2’s Titan builds, it’s clear that there is a divide among players. While some defend Titans, others criticize the repetitive nature of certain builds. One Reddit user, tjdragon117, pointed out the frustration of being pigeonholed into one-shot melee gimmicks, only to see them nerfed repeatedly.

Boredom vs. Weakness

Another user, AnthonyMiqo, highlighted that Titans may not necessarily suck but are often considered the weakest class due to their lack of diversity compared to other classes. This sentiment echoes the ongoing debate within the community about the balancing of classes in Destiny 2.

A Build Explanation

One significant aspect of the discussion was a detailed Titan build explanation shared by user double-O-cheese. The breakdown emphasized the importance of offensive strategies like bullwark and bastion for maximizing melee damage with overshields. The build also showcased tips on utilizing tools like barricades and grenades effectively for optimal performance.

The build explanation provided insights into the complexity and strategy involved in creating a successful Titan loadout, challenging the perception of Titans as one-dimensional melee warriors.

The Final Verdict

As the debate rages on about Titan builds in Destiny 2, it’s clear that players have diverse opinions on the efficacy and creativity of these loadouts. While some see Titans as needing a refresh or more variety, others appreciate the nuances and intricacies of mastering these unique playstyles.