Destiny 2: Titans Share Their Thoughts on Prismatic Changes

Titans in Destiny 2 are voicing their opinions on potential changes to the Prismatic aspect. What do they want to see transformed?

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players have taken to Reddit to discuss potential changes to Titans and the Prismatic aspect. One user, maxpumpher, suggested replacing thermite grenades with fusion grenades to create new synergies with exotic gear. This sparked a lively debate among the community.


  • Titans are looking for more survival perks and abilities to complement their close-quarters combat style.
  • Some players feel that the current Titan abilities lack synergy and are overshadowed by other classes.
  • There is a desire for more defensive options and passive abilities to enhance the Titan gameplay experience.
  • Suggestions range from tweaking existing abilities to incorporating new mechanics to improve the Titan class.

A Call for Survival Perks

Many players, like Absolute_Tempest and FoxenBox, express the need for additional survival perks for Titans, emphasizing the importance of diversifying combat options beyond just melee attacks. The consensus is that Titans should have more tools for staying alive in intense battles.

Revamping Titan Abilities

The community discussions highlight a desire to revamp existing Titan abilities such as Drengr’s Lash and Unbreakable, with suggestions for providing substantial buffs to make these abilities more viable in different builds. Players like randomnumbers22 and Mnkke advocate for significant enhancements to underutilized Titan abilities to improve synergies within the class.

Creating Synergies with Exotic Gear

Players stress the importance of fostering synergies between Titan abilities and exotic armor pieces to unlock new gameplay possibilities. Ideas like integrating thrusters into barricade mechanics and maximizing the potential of exotic armors like Abeyant Leap showcase the community’s innovative thinking in enhancing Titan gameplay.

Diverse perspectives on healing options, ability regen, and ranged combat capabilities underscore the community’s collective desire for a more dynamic and engaging Titan experience in Destiny 2.